First and foremost, In the whirlwind of last night, I was unwind and so sleepless, and all sort of tiny bits of critters inside me of nerve, thinking about this winner month of May ,wow amazing and thanks so much I love u all UCWS STUNNING ! .oh well ,I say is here and now I must face the the world I so say ., and now, OMG I have won this amazing Calender, month of May and May mags , wow both now, that is completely spectacular well to tell the true I have wait so so long for this oh.. about over 3 years now I finally got it so so trill once again thank you all ! Im so overwhelm,happy excited WOW! and so speechless but is one think i can say about this amazing, competitive Calender and Mags, I went through and now I know why we do this it is a experience , a learning process I learn how to me more confidence self awareness , my leaderships has increase, or gaining, getting all lay out in order omg I can keep on but ill stop if not ill end up writing a book (lol), But i do want to say this has been a huge Jetport and ,huge task ! was not I can tell you that .. .. to thanks the fourth incredibly important people to this modeling experience and in my life, "the most incredible experience of my life" and "for your genius, for your guidance, for teaching me things about myself and nurturing me to be a better person and and Modeling. Ms Sunrae, Ms Janet,Ms Vicky,Ms Lisa, actually is more but theses amazing ladies had dome so so much for me oops, I cant for get my lovely wife Agee Z canto, my fellow classmate,Ms Anrol, Steve,Tiffani, ms Layah oh gosh , I will never be able to forgive myself for such a brain fart ( LOL ) but I hope that all of you who I had mention above has given me such a inspiration, sl and rl ,this Viticulture world game is not a joke is real , fun and amazing . and I can say I have eager so much in this game ,unreal and so I want thank you from my bottom of my heart," oo," I caught a frog in my throat , soon it will be a river if I don't stop .. so . my wonderful family UCWS I bow to you all and kisses and a huge hug, and in Spanish I'LL SAY MUCHO GRACIA! Y MUCHO BESO !!!!!! ( THANK YOU SO MUCH AND LOTS OF KISSES )
Oh by the way I want to and congrats to all who participated and also the all winners who had work so hard to get this point !WTG . God bless all of you ,I love you all! zZ-zIGGY-zIG-☻♥☺☻♥