May the lord comfort you and your family and bring you peace and harmony and tranquility and remember god love you and so do I and please be safe through the years Ziggy and my wife Agee Z.Canto* Remember this-"Better to have lost and loved than never to have loved at all." ** “Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind.** By ziggy zig ☻♥☻
Saturday, February 9, 2013
*~☻♥☻♥Laylah Lecker~~~☻♥☻♥*~
laylah is one of the best staff in cws she make you laugh she easy to get along she a angel in my eyes i love her to death she so sweet and a awesome teacher at cws, she teach blog and she a blogger were she blog for cws and all the events. also , she been a very important person in my second life beside the others wonderful staff at cws but lay lay that how i called her (lol) oh by the way she as smooth as is come .. and again along whth the othe staff tiff vickly i called vic like my real life name yes my name is victor ,, so i guess vic n vic we got some ,some thing in commin ;lol any way I love them all and my wish go to all of you and god bless !.. Ziggy/Agee