May the lord comfort you and your family and bring you peace and harmony and tranquility and remember god love you and so do I and please be safe through the years Ziggy and my wife Agee Z.Canto* Remember this-"Better to have lost and loved than never to have loved at all." ** “Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind.** By ziggy zig ☻♥☻
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Hello, I'm Zigrich Zsigmond every one called me zig or Ziggy in the virtual world called second life and I;m use in my real life at time ..since I got so use to it or Zeno/Jeno my nick name ;lol any how I love to make a small comments on this amazing vids anrol n Steve made 'The 007 " is completely fabulous, and lots of excitement just awesome and they have made this for a special event and truly it came perfect 'WTG GUYS !
007 Calendar Models